Amnesty International Spain has multiple and independent databases for managing their members, volunteers, press contacts, newsletter subscribers, e-commerce clients, etc. Amnesty's first challenge is to integrate and break down all these silos.
At Heart’s Home USA, there is no more waiting to get on the computer that had all their benefactors’ information in it. No more excel spreadsheets. CiviCRM has automated and streamlined all their processes.
Last week more than 400 non-profit staff and techies in 26 cities came together to help each other learn about CiviCRM and how to use it to serve their missions. From Melbourne to New York, Madrid to San Francisco - participants shared innovative approaches to fundraising, advocacy and building relationships.
If you’re from the Mid Atlantic area, consider attending and giving an informal talk at the 2014 NTC CiviCRM Showcase in Washington, DC (March 13) to help new folks discover CiviCRM.
If you're doing something interesting with CiviCRM, then tell the community about it. It could be a session for absolute novices or an in depth workshop. Sharing your knowledge will make Civi better.
“How I got involved in CiviCRM translations” by Matthieu Lutfy
“At times it can be hard to find enough time to keep up (with CiviCRM), but the more I can follow CiviCRM development, the better I can help in providing an efficient long-term solution for my clients.”.
Letting the world know about all the wonderful organizations using CiviCRM to support their mission is a great way to keep the community healthy and growing.
“What to Do AFTER the New Database Rolls Out” by Norman Reiss
The success of a project goes beyond the planning, design and implementation stages of the new system. Read more
Special thanks to our Feb Guest Editor: Markus Forsberg
as well as our previous Guest Editors: Andy Clark, John Derry, Jessica Kirsner, Joe Murray & Stuart Gaston
Thanks team :)
New to CiviCRM? Have a look at these pages to get stuck in: