Collapse Comms and Demographics

Development Status
Active Installs

Last updated: 2020-08-07

Works with CiviCRM 5.0 or higher.

On many occasions, clients have mentioned that the contact summary screen loses a lot of prime space to the communication preferences and demographics sections.

“Is there no way to collapse them by default like you can with custom date? They are rarely used but are needed”

They’re aware that demographics and communication preferences can be removed via the UI (/civicrm/admin/setting/preferences/display?reset=1)

This is a simple extension that collapses both the communication preferences and demographics sections by default on the summary page.
We’ve added a few fancy bits to the functionality which we’re sure you’ll enjoy…

Additional fancy bits –

Displays related icons next to the Communication Preferences collapsed heading if any of the 6 privacy options have been selected –

  • Do not phone
  • Do not email
  • Do not mail
  • Do not sms
  • Do not trade
  • NO BULK EMAILS (User Opt Out)

Displays the male or female icon next to the demographics collapsed heading if gender field has a value of female (1) or male (2), blank for any other value.
Displays age of individual if there’s a value in the D.O.B field. Age is hidden if contact is flagged as deceased.

Extension updates (August 2020) –

  • Icons updated to match core CiviCRM privacy icons
  • Gender icons can be added/updated in Gender Options settings, from the CiviCRM menu - Administer > Systems Settings > Option Groups > Gender
  • Compatible with Shoreditch Theme (org.civicrm.shoreditch) and Contact Summary Layout Editor (org.civicrm.contactlayout)
Screenshot (click to enlarge)