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7 août 2008
par shotsujet

Long time no blog – partly because I was traveling in the USA most of July, partly because we were busy finishing last CiviCRM 2.1 features.

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7 août 2008
par JoeMurray sujet CiviCRM

For several years there has been interest in integrating a virtual call centre or distributed phone bank capacity into CiviCRM. Rob Thorne did a proof of concept back in March 2007 tha was used a bit by a political party ( There has been a resugence of interest in recent months and weeks, with over 2 dozen posts and 2300 page views on a single forum thread.

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6 août 2008
par yashodha sujet Drupal, Joomla

We are excited to announce that the initial Alpha release of 2.1 is now available for download, AND to try out on our sandbox site. We're really excited about all the cool new features and improvements. Check out Dave's last blog for some highlights... or the 2.1 Roadmap for a more complete listing.

We strongly encourage folks to download and test the alpha release and help improve the final product. Upgrading to 2.1 requires a simultaneous upgrade of Drupal to 6.3, and we need test-drivers who can help us iron out any bleeps or burps that we haven't discovered in our own testing. You can contribute significantly to the project by testing the upgrade process against a copy of your 2.0 data, as well as running your regular tasks on an upgraded site.

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5 août 2008
par Dave Greenberg sujet CiviCRM
Joe Murray forwarded this announcement to me - and I'm posting it here in case any CiviCRM folks in Seattle might be interested in doing a 5 minute talk on how they use CiviContribute for fundraising. (Even if you're not up for speaking, probably an interesting session to attend if you're in the Seattle area)... Call for speakers on online/tech enabled fundraising. I co-host Seattle Net Tuesday and our September event is focused on utilizing technology for fundraising. We're looking for a couple of people who experimented with online fundraising within their
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4 août 2008
par acrosman sujet CiviCRM

The American Friends Service Committee, where I work, needs to sync some information between our CMS (which isn’t Drupal or Joomla for various reasons) and CiviCRM. The vendor we’re working with is writing custom additions to the CMS to handle our needs, and part of that process is creating a PHP library to connect to the REST API of CiviCRM. When we asked, the vendor was very willing to open source that library.

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28 juillet 2008
par lobo sujet Drupal, Joomla
This camp is now confirmed. The dates are Oct 13th / 14th. Follow up blog post here Following the lead from our friends at Ubercart with Ubercamp, we figured having CiviCamp might not be a bad idea. We suspect that doing it around BADCamp will give folks the opportunity who are traveling to combine two unconferences in one visit. Proposed Dates BADCamp is schedule for Oct 11/12, CiviCamp will be held on Oct 13/14.
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25 juillet 2008
par lobo sujet CiviCRM

We've been getting a few favorable reviews recently. Some of the ones that we've found are:

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24 juillet 2008
par shot sujet Internationalization and Localization

As my Google Summer of Code project went past its midterm evaluations, I’m happy to report that the core of the multilingualisation mechanism will be a part of the upcoming CiviCRM 2.1 release.

For CiviCRM 2.1, the multilingual support will be rather basic, but still quite usable. You’ll be able to add language switching to you CiviCRM install, and once you switch from one language to another, certain fields will be able to have different values.

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23 juillet 2008
par michaelmcandrew sujet CiviCRM

Yesterday afternoon the CiviCRM UK usergroup got together for their first proper meeting in Bristol. It was a great chance to meet other users in the UK and be involved in interesting discussion about how we use - and want to use - CiviCRM. It was also nice to go to the dockside afterwards, catch the last of the sun, and watch hot air balloons flying over the city (though at that point, the discussion did move on from constituent relation management).

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21 juillet 2008
par Dave Greenberg sujet Drupal, Joomla
The 2.1 release hits code freeze this week - and we're really excited about all the cool new features and improvements. For folks who haven't been following progress on the release with "baited breath" - some highlights: Joomla 1.5 and Drupal 6 compatibility Contribution Pledges (back-office and self-service) Multi-language / single site support (with thanks to Google Summer of Code and the Joomla team)
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