CivicActions is offering a full day CiviCRM User Training in Seattle and in Berkeley.
Blog posts by GregoryHeller
There seems to be growing interest in CiviCRM in Seattle. People want to know more about what it is, how it works and how they can harness the power for their clients or their own organizations. Recently at DrupalCon in San Francisco I ran a training on CiviCRM that was attended by a fellow Seattlite, and in the weeks just before that I was introduced to a few other folks in Seattle using CiviCRM. So it seems like it is time.
I posted a recap of CiviCon late last week on the CivicActions Blog including links to all the Ignite and Lightning talks, but figured I should repost those links here.
I'm working on setting up a "CiviCRM Planet" feed aggregator similar to that which exists for drupal at Please post a link to your blog's feed of CiviCRM related posts in the comments here. If you do not yet have a civicrm specific feed, I recommend creating a tag or taxonomy term specifically for items you which to appear on CiviCRM planet. Might I suggest "CiviCRM Planet" or just "CiviCRM".