Denver Sprint (after CiviCon Denver 2015)

 Les inscripcions per aquest esdeveniment s'han tancat
Help make CiviCRM even better - sprint with us in Denver!

Participating our annual code and documentation sprint is an excellent way to learn more about - and contribute to - CiviCRM.  It's also a great way to meet the CiviCRM community.  Everyone is welcome and coding or documentation skills are not required - we'll improve CiviCRM, advance your skills and knowledge, and get a chance to enjoy the stunning surroundings of Rocky Mountain National Park - all in less than a week.

d’abril 24th, 2015 9:00 AM to d’abril 30th, 2015 12:00 PM
Snow Mountain Ranch
1101 County Road 53
Granby, Colorado 80446
Estats Units
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Event Fee(s)
Food and accommodation 350.00 USD