5 Knoten

5 Knoten

About Us

We Civis from 5 Knoten [5 knots] see the world as a connection of all people via a maximum of five nodes. In this connected world, we support NGOs and non-profit initiatives to unravel their internal processes and digital threads. Some knots are so entangled that only scissors will help. But mostly we manage to untangle them with CiviCRM and Drupal.

The internal workflow and the system requirements of our customers are just as unique as each twisted knot. That is why the set-up of new systems is followed by a careful induction and training for the people who deal with it every day.

With us as loyal companions, non-profit organisations are able to communicate their world-improving messages to the outside world in an optimised way and with more impact.

Our CiviCRM Services

CiviCRM is our work elixir and for many initiatives the start into a structured future with holistic communication, targeted e-mail marketing and time-saving contact management. In addition, new nodes often develop in the back office in continuous contact maintenance, fundraising and other internal business processes. Our core capacity is to unravel these nodes.

Our personal CiviCRM highlights are case management, because it‘s safe and beneficial for the environment; Payments receipts such as donations & other contributions as there's no money without money, event management, newsletters, extension development and integration in “front webpages”, because we truly care about user experiences.