CiviCRM contributor news - Volume 4, April 2016


Contributor News

A monthly update for contributors to CiviCRM

A new home for documentaion

We have a new home for our documentation, based on readthedocs and built to cater for all our documentation needs, including translations, versioning, and a dedicated space for extensions. Check out this blog post for details of what we've done and how you can can start contributing to docs now!

Sessions Schedule for CiviCon Colorado

The CiviCon Colorado session schedule is all set. With exciting sessions scheduled on various topics in product tracks at the beginner & advanced level as well as a track dedicated to the CiviCRM community. There will also be a Lightning Talk session and a Consultant's Cafe where attendees can ask experts on specific topics. Book your tickets now!

Choose your CiviMail provider

Andrew Hunt (AGH strategies) has written a handy guide to choosing an email service provider. If you're sending a lot of email with CiviCRM, especially if you're currently using Mandrill (which will soon no longer be available) then you'll want to check out the options. AGH also have a email cost calculator on their site that you can use to fo a finanicial comparison of the different providers.

Introducing global sponsorship for events

Our new global sponsor program is aimed at organisations that are sponsoring more than one event in a year and offers discounts on multiple sponsorships. Sponsorship opportunities are currently available for CiviCon Colorado, NW Europe and London.

CiviCampaign improvements - a beta extension

Following on from last year's GSOC, Systopia have released a beta version of an extension that greatly improves CiviCampaign management and analysis, including: campaign hierachies, improved dashboard and reporting and ability to record costs associated with a campaign. You can download and test it out now before it's public release in the extension directory.

The why and how of our in-app messages

In app messages provide a way for us to communicate directly to our end users while they use CiviCRM. It's a technology that we use sparingly as a way to deliver highly relevant content. Want to know more about why and how? Read Josh's blog post. Want to make your messages even more relevant? Register your site with us.

CiviCRM Entity - the adventure continues...

More words of wisdom from Mark Hanna on how you can use CiviCRM entity in your upcoming CiviCRM and Drupal projects. This time how to use CiviCRM entity to integrate with the Drupal's search API and unleach the power of faceted search!