CiviCon Colorado 2016

 Registration is closed for this event

CiviCon Colorado 2016 is the premier CiviCRM event of 2016. The event will be held on the beautiful Fort Collins campus of Colorado State University.

The conference will have sessions for those considering CiviCRM, beginners, experts and developers. Come learn about best practices through case studies, the latest extensions, and the amazing improvements coming in usability and developer experiences.

A User and Administrator Training and a Developer Training will happen May 31 & June 1, the Conference will take place June 2 & 3, and a Sprint to improve documentation and code will follow on June 4 – 8.


Visit the conference site for more info.

By registering to the conference, you can save up to $100 on the other CiviCon events:


June 2nd, 2016 8:30 AM to June 3rd, 2016 6:00 PM
Colorado State University (CSU)
Fort Collins, Colorado 80523
United States
Event Fee(s)
Two days conference $229.00
One night in single room $80.00
One night in double room $55.00
Two nights in single room $149.00
Two nights in shared room $99.00
Three nights in single room $229.00
Three nights in shared room $149.00
Please select your arrival date
June 1
June 2