Blog posts by Anónimo

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By Anónimo Filed under Documentation

I´m Abril from Mexico City, I´m working in Alternativas y Capacidades, a civil society organization that was founded in 2002  to contribute to Mexico’s social development, by strengthening civil society organizations and grant makers, working towards a favorable environment for their professionalization, promoting their advocacy capacities and encouraging inter-sectoral collaboration.

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By Anónimo Filed under Documentation

We've been working hella hard on the sprint so far and yesterday was no exception!  at least for the book sprinters, the coders went off on a social to Stamford castle.  Although they weren't out of contact for long, we met up with them on IRC while they stopped for a Costa coffee "Come for the coffee, stay for the WiFi" or so the saying goes .  

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By Anónimo Filed under Meetups

Were you thinking of attending the Mumbai CiviCRM Meet up  - July 2010  last Thursday in India  or wondering what exactly is shared, discussed, explained, who attended ?…

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By Anónimo Filed under Schools

The next phase of the CiviSchool project is collecting and maintaining all parent / student information online. This avoids the annual filling out forms work by the parents, and also the stuffing of envelopes by school staff during the summer and reentering all the information in the SIS when school starts.

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By Anónimo Filed under Teams
Minutes for 09-02-2009 meeting - CRM - CiviCRM Wiki

Web redesign project

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By Anónimo Filed under Teams

The results of the first day of our Mumbai meetup were quite impressive. We successfully knocked out around 7-8 issues.

Day two started out with high energy levels. We divided the day into three sessions.

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By Anónimo Filed under CiviReport

The Conservation Fund is the nation's foremost environmental nonprofit dedicated to protecting America's most important landscapes and waterways for future generations.

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By Anónimo Filed under CiviMail

Hi CCRM Friends,

My name is Shane Hill. Some of you may have read my name in a few places or on some lists. This post is meant to introduce me and give some background. I am with the organization The Urban Alliance For Sustainability. and we use CiviCRM to manage our constituency and send email blasts. At first, I was just a volunteer with UAS as I believed in their mission (now my mission) and I wanted to lend my experience to what they were (are) doing. Then in time I inherited their web operations which eventually led to having to deal with CiviMail. :)

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By AnónimoFiled under

In 1.7, event management was added to CiviCRM. The timing on this was good for us (Ideal Solution, LLC), and allowed us to use CiviCRM for a customer who primarily wanted to allow members to sign up for events, such as conferences. The difficulty was that conferences typically have multiple options, each with its own additional price: basic registration, meals, guests, etc. Each additional option increases the total number of possible combinations. Price Sets were added to manage this.

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By AnónimoFiled under

I installed CiviCRM 1.5 with Drupal 5.0 following the same steps I took installing it with Drupal 4.7 and got no errors.

CiviCRM wouldn't show up in the modules list in the admin section, so I poked around a bit to see what the overall setup was of the Drupal 5.0 modules.

I moved the civicrm.css file into the main civicrm folder, moved the civicrm.module file into the main civicrm folder and then created a file and follwed the same format as the other .info files (a couple of lines of code describing the module) to write to the file. I copied the civicrm.settings.php file to drupal/sites/default folder and went back to the Drupal 5.0 admin area and lo and behold, CiviCRM 1.5 was there. I enabled it and it worked.

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