CiviDay Benelux in Brussels
Muntpunt and Tech To The People are happy to invite you to a meetup for cividay 2014.
Benelux user groups are an informal way to meet others from the community and learn more. There are demonstrations, discussions and the chance to meet other people involved in the community. We aim to make them as useful and user led as possible.
This is a special meetup taking place on Civi day - join people attending other meetups around the world!
The Benelux user group meeting will be two hours of news, views, case studies and opportunities to meet others planning on using CiviCRM, or already managing day to day organisations with it. What’s a smart group? Any datavisualisation tip? Why won’t my google mapping work? Do you have a list of members of the European Parliament? Whatever your question, someone at the meet-up will probably have an answer.
Patrick and Xavier
Munt 6
Brussel, 1000