CiviDay 2015 - Phoenix, AZ

 El registro para este evento se encuentra cerrado
Welcome to your local CiviDay! CiviDay will be in Phoenix on January 28th, 2015. This is a special meetup taking place on CiviDay - join people attending other meetups around the world! CiviDay is an annual event to learn about CiviCRM and what it can do for your organization, meet other CiviCRM users and gather their feedback, learn advanced strategies for managing your online database, ask any questions you might have, share tips and build connections!

Never heard about CiviCRM? CiviDay is designed for those looking to find out more about CiviCRM.
CiviCRM is web-based, open source, Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) software geared toward meeting the needs of non-profit and other civic-sector organizations for managing contacts, relationships, memberships, events, fundraising, communications, reports, …

These sessions are free for all non-profit staff and volunteers, but we do ask that you RSVP so we can plan for your attendance.



Welcome and Introduction


CiviCRM Vision and Ecosytem
Remote live presentation from CiviDay Denver


What is CiviCRM? What can it do for your organization?
Remote live presentation from CiviDay Denver


Informal discussion


CiviCRM Live Demo
Remote from CiviDay Denver


Informal discussion

Light lunch and refreshments will be provided.

We are looking for a few more speakers who currently use CiviCRM and who would like to speak briefly about their own applications and success with it. Let us know so we can add you to our schedule.

CiviDay 2015 Phoenix is brought to you by CiviDesk and PACH.

Any questions, please contact Victor Odhner at or Virginie at

enero 28th, 2015 from  9:00 AM to  6:00 PM
Phoenix Allies for Community Health (PACH)
1726 E Roosevelt St
Phoenix, Arizona 85006
Estados Unidos
Phone: 602-748-3534
Correo electrónico: