CiviCamp Calgary 2018 - some impressions and thank you-s

2018-05-26 12:21
Written by
KarinG - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

CiviCamp Calgary 2018 was held May 22-24 and included:

  • a full day of presentations (12 talks by CiviCRM Core team members, CiviCRM Users and CiviCRM Partners)
  • an après camp party sponsored by iATS Payments
  • Canadian mugs
  • three hands-on workshops (on Webform CiviCRM, Mosaico and Payment Processing FAQ)
  • user sprint
  • developer sprint - during which we worked on 6 Make-it-happen-NOW projects funded by our sponsors (Canadian Tax Receipt Extension [ability to issue tax-receipt in preferred communication language; change layout to add fundraising letter/message template as part of the Tax Receipt; email queing for large batches], Webform CiviCRM module [Drupal 8 prototyping; enhancements to payments via installments] and Recurring Payments [concept of pause button and ability to clone recurring series])
  • an outing to Banff

A big THANK you to the Core team (Josh, Coleman, Tim, Mathieu) [travel/accomodation funded by the CiviCamp] and to the CiviCRM Partners who travelled to Calgary and all presented/assisted in Workshop deliveries: MyDropWizzard (David, Will), CiviDesk (Nicolas), BlackFly (Alan), Coop Symbiotic (Mathieu, Samuel) and MustardSeed Non-Profit (Jake).

A huge THANK you to my clients who stepped up to present and showcase their knowledge about Drupal CiviCRM integration and Payment Processing: Cindy from Plant Engineering and Maintenance Association of Canada; Lars from Wildsight; Laura from Association of Early Childhood Educators of Alberta and Melanie from the Arctic Institute of North America) and help deliver the workshop on Payment Processing FAQ (Sari and Rowyn from BC New Democratic Party).

A massive THANK you to Melanie from the Arctic Institute of North America for helping me organize CiviCamp Calgary 2018.

Below please find a list of quotes from Participants as well as some impressions:

Quotes from Participants:

  • It really was some great learning; We can't wait for Mosaico. Just want to get our hands on the features - no hurry; Wonderful camp. Got a lot of good information, ideas and plans for moving forward; Thanks again for an awesome training; Great job on the CiviCamp!! I certainly enjoyed the talks and the Webform learning; Great CiviCamp by the way! Can't wait to upgrade and try Mosaico. :-); Thanks for making CiviCamp happen; I could not use my computer but was blessed when the instructor gave me his
    Of course who wants to go back to mine now!!! I totally want Mosaico... So much. It looks amazing... ’m impressed and loving the possibilities; And civicase.... It would be amazing. I have it all worked out in my mind!; Very wonderful iATS workshop; How was the Payment Processing FAQ workshop? "We needed three more hours"; I wanted to thank you for this opportuntity; Fantastic freaking job today! Everyone was super satisfied with what they learned!!! (+heart emoji); The CiviCamp today was great. Thanks for putting it on. I loved everything about it. You survived! Well done.


Great event, Karin! Thank you for putting it on and for helping promote CiviCRM. You rock!

Great effort - obviously a very worthwhile camp given that enthusiastic feedback