Following on from the training last week, about 40 of us have been up in Manchester recently for the CiviCRM Sprint where we've been working on replacing some of the admin forms and some of the core display screens with more up to date technology. There's also been work on updating the documentation and some thinking about how that process should actually work.
Blog posts by davem
Returning to CiviCRM videos after some time on other projects, the team at Circle Interactive are now starting to think again about developing a CiviCRM community video project based on the ideas in Young Jin’s blog of Feb 2012.
There are a range of materials that can be distributed to organisations interested in CiviCRM. These are currently available on
Following a couple of discussions of this, the consensus seems to be that having good coordinated training materials is important to a maturing product to give confidence to organisations buying into the ecosystem. The doumentation has moved along considerably in the new book and this structure seems a reasonable place to start for creating a set of training videos.
Anyone currently working on video?