Blog posts by SarahGladstone

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By SarahGladstone Filed under Extensions, Internationalization and Localization

Ever wanted to know Hebrew birthdays, yahrzeit dates, and other Hebrew dates for your contacts?  Now you can track all these dates, search on them, prepare lists,  and send reminders at the right time, and more.   Since this is a native CiviCRM extension, it will work under Drupal, WordPress or Joomla.

Get the extension at:

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By SarahGladstone Filed under CiviEvent, Extensions, Schools

Do you need to allow parents to register their children? Tired of using custom data fields on a child to collect information about their parents and emergency contacts?    Would you like the information collected during the registration to create (or update) the various contact records needed in the back-office?  Then this blog post is for you. This recipe creates a contact record for each child, each parent, each emergency contact, the household contact, and also builds the appropriate relationships between each contact.

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By SarahGladstone Filed under CiviMail, Drupal 7, Extensions, Joomla, WordPress

When preparing an email newsletter, one part of it that is time consuming is gathering together all the content that is needed. In my experience, virtually all the content already exists elsewhere, such as in the local CMS, in CiviCRM, or on a blog, or some other online source.    So I was thinking how can I make this process easier.

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By SarahGladstone Filed under API, Architecture, CiviContribute, CiviEvent, CiviPledge, CiviReport, Finance and Accounting

Do you use CiviCRM for contributions, pledges, and related financial data? Does your organization use the financial reports in CiviCRM? Does your organization export data from CiviCRM to your general ledger? Or do you want to start doing some of these things?  If so, your input is needed on CiviAccounts.  (You do not need to be a CPA to give input, but having a general understanding of how CiviCRM financial areas work currently is helpful)  

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By SarahGladstone Filed under Architecture, CiviContribute, Extensions, Finance and Accounting

I recently had a requirement to allow for export of Accounting Batches to a format that AccountEdge can use. The good news was AccountEdge has many CSV import wizards for many different types of data. The bad news was the layout of the accounting batch export CSV file from CiviCRM did not match what AccountEdge expected.  So I set about creating a new export format for CiviCRM which is compatible with the "File ... Import Data ... General Journal Entries" wizard in AccountEdge.

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By SarahGladstone Filed under CiviMail, Drupal 7, Extensions, Joomla, WordPress

When preparing an email newsletter, one part of it that is time consuming is gathering together all the content that is needed. In my experience, virtually all the content already exists elsewhere, such as in the local CMS, in CiviCRM, or on a blog, or some other online source.    So I was thinking how can I make this process easier.  What I did: I created mail merge tokens for CiviCRM that autofill a list of recent blog posts, stories, or any other type of CMS content.

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By SarahGladstone Filed under CiviContribute, Extensions

This extension has been unpublished from the CiviCRM extensions directory, as it is obsolete. The source code is still at GitHub (, but is not maintained, nor recommended. 


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By SarahGladstone Filed under CiviContribute, CiviEvent, CiviMail, Extensions

There is a newly updated version of the native extension called "Fancy Tokens". This new version (2.1) includes enhancements suggested by the community. Specifically the request from Xavier to include tokens for individual event registration pages, where the event ID can be easily changed. 

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By SarahGladstone Filed under CiviContribute, CiviEvent, CiviMail, Extensions

Have you ever needed to send an email from CiviCRM that includes a list of upcoming events? Then you know how much fun the copy/paste effort this entails, especially if you want to use a checksum in the links to register. Plus you know you get to repeat the whole exciting process for the next newsletter the following week or month.

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