Extensions Directory

Les extensions fournissent de nouvelles fonctionnalités CiviCRM. Ce répertoire présente une liste centralisée des extensions créées par la communauté CiviCRM.

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Autres intégrations

En plus des extensions qui s'installent directement dans CiviCRM et fonctionnent avec tous les CMS affichés ci-dessous, vous pouvez explorer les répertoires des extensions qui sont faites spécifiquement pour :

Create templates for Contacts and Contributions.
Installations: 30
This is a simple extension that collapses both the communication preferences and demographics sections by default on the summary page.
Installations: 30
This extension adds google analytics tracking to contribution/event registration pages.
Installations: 27
Installations: 27
Ensures bounces are recorded for CiviMail when using Mandrill's SMTP servers.
Installations: 24
A simple custom CiviCRM search to find contacts that have the same first and last name (often these contacts are spam and can be purged.)
Installations: 24
Installations: 24
Installations: 23
This extension makes membership communications easier by creating activities for sending welcome email, renewal letters/email.
Installations: 22
Provides email delivery for email from CiviCRM via MailChimp's Mandrill service.
Installations: 22
Allows alteration of organisation sort_name for easier searching
Installations: 21
This extension creates the CiviCRM report template "Relationship Overview". It allows a condensed, aggregated overview of your contacts' relationships. You can define which relationships are listed; tags can be selected as well. The field then simply lists all the values, separated by a comma.
Installations: 21
Integrate CiviCRM Events with GoToWebinar.
Installations: 21
Installations: 21