Extensions Directory

Les extensions fournissent de nouvelles fonctionnalités CiviCRM. Ce répertoire présente une liste centralisée des extensions créées par la communauté CiviCRM.

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En plus des extensions qui s'installent directement dans CiviCRM et fonctionnent avec tous les CMS affichés ci-dessous, vous pouvez explorer les répertoires des extensions qui sont faites spécifiquement pour :

Installations: 16
This extension add the nationality field to individuals. The option group is filled from a text file in the extension.
Installations: 16
This extension creates archive list of public mailings in CiviCRM. You will need to enable the "CiviMail: view public mail" permission. This only pulls completed mailings that have the "Public Pages" set for the visibility.
Installations: 16
Includes a number of custom searches that help give an overview of financial information.
Useful for financial and bookkeeping staff of an organization.
Installations: 15
This extension allows to find and export payment(s) for contribution(s).
Installations: 14
Installations: 14
Minimalist tool to efficiently identify households based on last name and address, and offer functions to create households
Installations: 14
Displays a contact’s Job Title with their current employer on the Contact Relationships tab.
Installations: 13
Adds people to CiviCRM when they use Organic Campaigns' iParl service to email their MPs (MEPs, etc.)
Installations: 12
(en) Add support the Paysafe "Card Payments API" online payment solutions for CiviCRM. Also supports the online payment service Monetico by Desjardins.

(fr) Permet d'utiliser les solutions de paiement en ligne Paysafe avec CivICRM. Supporte également les solutions de paiement par carte Monetico de Desjardins.
Installations: 12
Integrates https://telerivet.com/ allowing you to use send and receive SMS with CiviCRM anywhere that you can send and receive SMS using an Android or IOS phone.

Installations: 12
Extended membership report with support of filtering/showing custom fields of Individual contact.
Installations: 12
Allows points to be allocated to contacts.
Installations: 12
Adds a Facebook Conversion Pixel to your contribution thank-you pages. Tracking code must be hard-coded in this version.
Installations: 12