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This module is specific to Drupal. Information on how to install should be provided in the description of the project.
The CiviCRM Drush module provides tools to call CiviCRM functionality.
- Install as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module. Visit https://www.drupal.org/docs/8/extending-drupal-8/installing-drupal-8-modules for further information.
Need CiviCRM module
civicrm:api (cvapi) CLI access to CiviCRM APIs.
civicrm:db-validate Valid CiviCRM Database.
civicrm:disable-debug Disable CiviCRM Debugging.
civicrm:enable-debug Enable CiviCRM Debugging.
civicrm:ext-disable (ced) Disable a CiviCRM extension.
civicrm:ext-install (cei) Install a CiviCRM extension.
civicrm:ext-list (cel) List of CiviCRM extensions enabled.
civicrm:ext-uninstall (ceui) Uninstall a CiviCRM extension.
civicrm:member-records Run the CiviMember UpdateMembershipRecord.
civicrm:process-mail-queue Process pending CiviMail mailing jobs.
civicrm:rest (cvr) Rest interface for accessing CiviCRM APIs.
civicrm:restore Restore CiviCRM codebase and database back
from the specified backup dir.
civicrm:route-rebuild Adds a route rebuild option for CiviCRM.
civicrm:sql-cli (cvsqlc) Open a SQL command-line interface using
CiviCRM's credentials.
civicrm:sql-conf Print CiviCRM database connection details.
civicrm:sql-connect A string for connecting to the CiviCRM DB.
civicrm:sql-dump Exports the CiviCRM DB as SQL using mysqldump.
civicrm:sql-query Execute a query against the CiviCRM database.
civicrm:update-cfg (cvupcfg) Update config_backend to correct config settings.
civicrm:upgrade (cvup) Replace CiviCRM codebase with new specified
tarfile and upgrade database.
civicrm:upgrade-db (cvupdb) Execute the civicrm/upgrade?reset=1 process
from the command line.
No separate configuration required.
We started from this PR : https://github.com/civicrm/civicrm-drupal-8/pull/26
Download Extension from : https://www.drupal.org/project/civicrm_drush