Localization Update

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Automated download of translations files for CiviCRM core and extensions.

This extension optimizes the downloads in terms of frequency and needed files for your current setup.

There are no setup screens or additional menu items for this extension. Just access the localization settings or extension management screen and it will work it's magic.

This extension was originated during the 2014 CiviCON Sprint in Lake Tahoe. Attending a Sprint is a great way to support our community, meet wonderful people, and have loads of fun even if you are not a programmer or implementer.

In "single language mode" this extension allows you to select multiple UI languages even if they are not installed. Once selected the extension will automatically download them.


  • The civicrm/l10n directory must be writable by the web server, as well as the l10n directory of each extension installed. These requirements are normally fulfilled in a standard CiviCRM installation.