Front-end minimal theme

État de développement
Work In Progress
Sites actifs
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Dernière mise à jour: 2024-02-15

Conçue pour CiviCRM 5.0 et plus.

This is a front-end theme with three-purposes:
- stops Bootstrap3 from loading on FormBuilder & SearchKit pages (by overwriting with a blank file). This is useful if you have a Bootstrap theme in your front-end that's trying to do things differently and there's clashes.
- removes most of CiviCRM's CSS beyond a few essential bits.
- uses CSS variables to style those 'essential bits' with goal of making it quick to style CiviCRM elements (buttons, input boxes, tables, etc) to match your front-end theme.

NB - this is a work-in-progress, tested only on the few specific front-end pages I needed it for. Please use at your own risk (and feel free to PR more 'essentials bits').