Hi I am Aditya Nambiar a third year undergraduate student pursuing Computer Science at IIT Bombay.This is final blog post on my project - Visualization for Mailing stats and A/B testing. I shall be explaining the work flow of my project in the blog post
Listing PageBlog posts by aditya.nambiar
Hi I am Aditya Nambiar, and I am currently working on Visualization for Mailing Stats and A/B Testing which is my GSOC 2014 project. I am at the midterm stage of my project and would like to share the progress I have currently made. Please do give your valuable feedback and suggestions. Here is the link to my previous blog https://civicrm.org/blogs/adityanambiar/ui-mockup-ab-testing-civimail
Hi I am Aditya Nambiar , a 3rd year undergraduate student pursuing Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Bombay. I am currently working on a GSOC project - Visualization for Mailing stats and A/B testing with Kurund Jalmi as my mentor