Blog posts by Névtelen

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By Névtelen Filed under Sprints, Training

Writing on the train back to London from the CivicCRM Sprint at Duvale Priory in mid-Devon, I can see why some people are willing to travel from across the world for the Sprint: it is a great way to spend a week. I went for the Developer Training, delivered by Parvez and Raj of Veda Consulting. The training was held for two days alongside a week's sprint (5 days + 2 travel days). I stayed for the rest of the Sprint.

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By Névtelen Filed under Community, Sprints
Following CiviCon London many of us made our way to Devon for the CiviSprint.   
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By Névtelen Filed under CiviCon

London 2017 was my first time at a CiviCon event so not sure what to expect, but I have been to many business conferences over the years.  So, what was so different about this one?  Essentially, nothing; held in a major city i.e. London, in a conference centre, a welcome desk with a goody bag and a programme, introduction, sessions – you get the picture!

It’s hard to put your finger on why it was different - better - but I am sure it has to do with the ethos of CiviCRM and why the organisers and attendees were there; a shared vision and a unified purpose.

What exactly was different? Well, as soon as I walked into the main conference room, I felt I was amongst friends, like-minded people.

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By Névtelen Filed under CiviCon, Meetups, Sprints, Training

Hello! I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself.  My name is Angela Bruns and I will be Conference Coordinator for the North American CiviCon 2016 in Fort Collins, CO.  My background is in event planning and volunteer management within Colorado nonprofit organizations and I am excited to be a part of this conference. 

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By Névtelen Filed under Drupal 7, Extensions

We in NFPservies have some client using secure.worldpay as their payment processor and it was always an issue in making it work and now worldpay has introduced online.worldpay gateway with API reference which are easy and quicker than before

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By Névtelen Filed under GSoC
GSoC Concluding Blog (Refunds and Partial Payments for CiviCRM)

I am Tahir Ramzan, pursuing Masters in Computer Science at Virtual University of Pakistan. I was working on refunds, partial refunds and partial payments development for CiviCRM in this Google summer of code. Parvez Saleh was mentoring this project.

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By Névtelen Filed under API, GSoC, CiviContribute, CiviEvent, CiviMember, CiviPledge, Extensions, Finance and Accounting, Interface and design

I am Tahir Ramzan, pursuing Masters in Computer Science at Virtual University of Pakistan. I am working on refunds, partial refunds and partial payments development for CiviCRM. Parvez Saleh and Joe Murray are mentoring this project.

Refunds and Partial Refunds:

Often, we need to tackle situation where one needs to make partial or full refunds. After this project users will be able to make refunds with friendly user interface and proper database records.

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By Névtelen Filed under CiviCon
We are really excited about having two CiviCon happening on May 28th in Europe, one on the Northwest in Amsterdam and other on the South in Madrid. It is a great opportunity to attend a regional conference where you will meet and learn from the people that make CiviCRM happen.  
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By Névtelen Filed under Case studies and user stories
Harlem Pride is a New York City based 501c3 tax-exempt non-profit.  Our mission is to advocate for,  educate, promote, and unite Harlem’s Same Gender Loving/LGBT individuals, organizations and supporters  in cultivating a sense of honor, dignity and respect for our diverse culture and community.  
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By Névtelen Filed under CiviCon

Still looking for a compelling reason to attend CiviCon Denver? Why not listen to past attendees and presenters to learn about what they took away from attending other meet-ups?

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