CiviCon Lake Tahoe Sprint 2014

 Registration is closed for this event
A week in the beautiful Sierra Nevada (Tahoe Donner) where we'll work together to improve CiviCRM. Topics and themes to be finalized based on participant interests. We prefer that all participants stay for the entire week.

There are no hard and fast requirements for attending a sprint, apart from a desire to work on improving CiviCRM in some way and the time to do it. We'll choose 2 or 3 areas to work on (based on participants' interest) and split into teams to tackle these areas. The idea is that we can work on improving CiviCRM and increasing your skills and knowledge at the same time.

Having skills in specific areas like coding, documentation, writing tests, etc. is great but not a requirement. A desire to further develop your skills and to help others through "peer learning" is required! Examples of work that we've done previously at sprints include:

  • documenting new and upcoming features
  • improving usability of current features getting your code improvements generalised and incorporated into CivICRM
  • improving test coverage
  • squashing bugs
  • discussing, improving and finalising requirements for up and coming features

By the end of the sprint we'll have made some significant progress in a couple of areas in CiviCRM, and you'll have the tools to continue working on your projects outside of the sprint. You'll also have gotten to know people in the CiviCRM community a lot better, and there's always GREAT food at sprints.

Contact lobo at civicrm dot org for more info.

április 27th, 2014 9:00 AM to május 4th, 2014 5:00 PM
Northwoods Blvd
Truckee, California 96161
United States
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Event Fee(s)
To cover meals and accommodation 350.00 USD