Counting down to 4.3 ... another Bug Smithing Weekend !

2013-03-15 10:05
Written by
pdelbar - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

When you think of it, it's quite amazing : open source communities bring out the best in people. Like all of you who participated in the first Bug Smithing Day, and ran 4.3 beta through a series of real-life tests, upgrades and API scripts. Even if you didn't find a bug, thou art truly thanked for thy effort.

As we promised, there's a prize for the Knight who hunted best, based on the number of 'kills' verified by the core team as being actual Bugs. The honor (and believe me, it truly is) goes to George Lozier of Phoenix Academy, who found three critters. For that Feat, he's awarded ye Big Prize : a complimentary entrance to CiviCON San Francisco, where he shall be welcomed and henceforth called Sir George, Smither of Bugs.

'Well', we thought, 'this was fun - why not do it again ?'

ye Big Smithing Weekend

With beta's coming out every week, we'ld nearly forget that the ultimate goal is to put out the real thing : a stable, performant, easily upgrading CiviCRM 4.3. Looking at the issue statistics, we're in the home stretch.

So join us for the ultimate push : on Friday March 22nd, we'll kick off the next episode of Bug Smithing. If Friday isn't thy day, take the weekend, or the Monday after -- as long as you poke beta 4 until bugs come out.

I want to see the Bug Smithing banner underneath your emails, I want people to call eachother Sir on IRC, and above all, I want us all to put 4.3 to the most excruciating test you can imagine. Smithe !

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gotta love this guy, sorry this 'sir'

Any idea when beta4 will be released? 

In terms of clock time NZ and AUS are 'ahead'.  (NZ is GMT+13 at the moment and Sydney & Melbourne GMT+11.)

I am keen to help test on 'our' Friday and am hoping beta4 will be released early enough for that. (Someone else has to do the upgrade so I could lose the weekend as well if the release is too late.)

Any UTC +9 or more folk, the Melbourne meetup has scheduled a session here that you're more than welcome to join us in person or online for…

Should be out in about 24 hours. You do the math :)