CiviContribute online Training Session - November 1st

2018-10-24 16:56
Written by
cividesk - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

The Fundamdentals of Contribution Management is a 2-hour online training course designed for new users of CiviCRM and taught by Cividesk.

This training course will cover how to customize CiviContribute to work best for your organization and focus on important features. We demonstrate examples in our demo CiviCRM site so you learn how to add new contributions manually, track online donations, search on contributions and create reports, invoices and thank you letters for donors. 

Click here for more information and to register for this online session on Thursday, November 1st at 9 am PT/ 10 am MT/ 12 pm ET.  Please contact our Cividesk training manager Susan Engeman with any questions.

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