Introducing the alpha release of CiviCRM v2.0 ...

2008-01-23 08:33
Written by
lobo - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines
We are excited to announce that our 2.0 Alpha release is now available for download here

You can also try it out on our sandbox site here

This release has significant code and schema changes to improve performance and scalability. The upgrade process is now a multi-step web based process. We would like to encourage folks to download and test the release and help improve the final product

You can view Release Highlights here

The resolved issues list sports the implementation details and lists fixed bugs.


We've setup a public sandbox. The sandbox is a great way to "try out" the new features while helping us test the release. We will update this over time as we fix the remaining open and new issues.


You can download the release here. Select from the civicrm-latest section. The filenames include the 2.0 Alpha label: civicrm-2.0.alpha…. Be sure and download the correct version for your CMS (Drupal or Joomla). As announced previously, 1.9 and all subsequent versions of CiviCRM require PHP 5.x and MySQL 5.x. PHP 4 is no longer supported.

New Installations

If you are installing CiviCRM 2.0 Alpha from scratch, please use the automated installater instructions linked below (these are for CiviCRM 1.9, but shouldn't change): Drupal and Joomla.

Upgrading from 1.9

If you are upgrading an existing 1.9 site (working with a copy of the site, of course), we have provided a upgrade path. Please install the new code without modifying the database and access the url "q=civicrm/upgrade&reset=1". The upgrade has been tested for Drupal 5.x only. Support for Joomla will be released soon.

Reporting Issues and Bugs

We look forward to getting your feedback on the release in the coming days. Bugs should be reported via our issue tracking system. Please select 2.0 in the 'Affects Version' dropdown. You will need to register as a user – this ensures that we can follow-up with you on your bug reports if necessary. Please ensure that the bug you've found is not reported already; also, there still are some issues open against CiviCRM 2.0.