Blog posts by herbdool

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By herbdool Filed under Backdrop, Drupal 7
Drupal 7 has an end of life in January 2025, which means no more security updates. Over 40% of CiviCRM sites are still using Drupal 7. Site owners should have a plan to upgrade. There are a few options: Drupal 10, WordPress, Standalone, or Backdrop CMS. This post focuses on the last option, Backdrop CMS, going into the similarities, differences from Drupal 7 and how to upgrade.
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By herbdool Filed under Backdrop

If you've been holding back from using Backdrop because your site requires the popular and powerful CiviCRM, hold back no longer. You can now easily install CiviCRM on Backdrop, or migrate it from your Drupal 7/CiviCRM setup.

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