Blog posts by lobo

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Marzec 27, 2007
By lobo Filed under CiviCRM

USPIRG has decided to work on CiviCRM as the Code for Change project this summer!. Should be a great value add to the CiviCRM community. Thanx to Wes Morgan and USPIRG for choosing CiviCRM. From their website:

Code for Change is an exciting new program which brings together computer science students and recent graduates in the summer to lead an open source software development project. The projects will vary from year to year, but they'll tend to focus on furthering the online organizing work of U.S. PIRG and, being open source, lots of other organizations as well.

This summer, we'll be working on the CivicSpace project to make it a world class online organizing platform. By the end of the summer, organizations working on issues ranging from preserving our last remaining wild forests to preventing human rights abuses will be able to take advantage of our work to get more and more people involved in their issues online.

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Marzec 24, 2007
By lobo Filed under CiviCRM
We are excited to announce that our 1.7 Beta release is now available for download. This release features the new CiviEvent component, which provides integrated event registration and management, along with a new "Contact Dashboard" which gives constituents a consolidated view of their subscriptions, contributions,event registrations and more.

Other release highlights include: Create and save re-usable email templates (with mail-merge tokens) CiviContribute plugins for and Google Checkout Use customized versions of templates for any screen One-click copying for existing Profiles, Contribution Pages and Events

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Marzec 22, 2007
By lobo Filed under CiviCRM
We've integrated support for Google Checkout in CiviCRM v1.7. This was primarily on the initiative and lead of Deepak, part of our awesome India developement team. This also allowed us to compare the ease of use and integration between the two transaction providers. Here are some things we found: PayPal has a much richer and more well thought out SDK. They do quite a few things right from a developers perspective, primarily allowing the code to set various defaults (like the return url) Have the Google Checkout folks tried to use the sandbox with the awful "sandbox" background that they use. Makes it fairly hard to read and navigate the site
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Marzec 22, 2007
By lobo Filed under CiviCRM
Rob Thorne from Torenware networks just announced the release of CiviVoter and Canvasser on the CiviCRM Mailing list (link to e-mail ). The Green Party of Canada sponsored this work and has released it under the Academic Free License v3.0. This is a pretty important component for political parties and we'd like to get a fair amount of feedback and review from the community. A future version of this component will be included in CiviCRM.
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Marzec 19, 2007
By lobo Filed under Architecture, CiviCRM

The nice thing about developing software is that the work is never done. There are so many cool things that we can do to make CiviCRM a better application. I've been having some pretty good conversations with David Strauss of Four Kitchen Studios on our IRC channel (#civicrm at Four Kitchen Studios has been a great resource for CiviCRM and were instrumental in deploying CiviCRM within Wikipedia. In the recent past, David has initiated the de-dupe and contact merge algorithm which we hope to incorporate in CiviCRM v1.8.

Some of the various things that we hope to be part of v2.0. We will use a fair amount of the design and code from the v1.x series, but at the same time make significant changes when needed.

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Marzec 17, 2007
By lobo Filed under CiviCRM

CiviCRM v1.7 is proceeding at a good pace. We've closed most of the issues with just a couple that are still open. We've also got a public sandbox that the community can use and test out various features of v1.7. Hopefully this will also allow us to collect a few more bug reports and issues. We definitely would like to see the community step up and play a more crucial role with testing the product before the beta and final release.

If things continue at this pace, I suspect we'll push out a beta candidate mid next week. At that point, we'll also switch demo to using CiviCRM v1.7 and make v1.7 the default download. In the past this has enabled us to catch a few more issues before we do a final release.

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Marzec 12, 2007
By lobo Filed under CiviCRM

Came across this on digg today:

How Open Source Projects Survive Poisionous People (and you can too). If you are interested in open source development, building and fostering a developer community, this video is definitely worth watching. We in CiviCRM land can learn quite a few things from this video. I dont think this is a problem with CiviCRM land currently, but its nice to hear about some tips on how to structure email conversations etc. I think we have a really awesome community and the video has some good tips on managing a project etc

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Marzec 5, 2007
By lobo Filed under CiviCRM

I've installed and am running Zend Platform 3.0.0 on my MacBook. I'm quite pleased with the stability and reliability of the platform. have not done any major testing regarding the speed increase, but I suspect its not noticeable since the machine is not very loaded and already quite responsive

Zend has introduced a new developer license scheme, where you can run Zend Platform for free on your development box. This is quite good for us since we dont have to pay for it. However there are two minor things that are annoying:

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Marzec 4, 2007
By lobo Filed under CiviReport, CiviCRM

I've been spending the past few days with Eclipse and BIRT. Their examples and screencasts are quite valuable to understanding a fairly complex application. I suspect this model of documentation is quite applicable to CiviCRM also.

I'm making pretty good progress with CiviReport and currently have a BIRT library with various reports that can be distributed. I'm focusing on CiviContribute for the initial set of reports, but it is quite easy to adapt the reports to CiviMember and CiviEvent. BIRT allows you to have drill down reports (i.e. from a high level report, you can get more detailed reports on various aspects by drilling down a level or two). Thus a top level contribution report could give you breakdown by year, state and your top 5 donors. You can then drill down into details for each year, or state or a more detailed contribution report on a donor.

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Marzec 2, 2007
By lobo Filed under CiviCRM

Thanx to our colleagues from PicNet, we've had support for Joomla! since CiviCRM v1.1. Joomla! is a fairly popular open source CMS and seems to have a significantly larger user base than Drupal. Unfortunately Joomla! does not make it easy to extend some core functionality like Drupal. Hence, CiviCRM on Joomla! lacks a few very important features.

We were hoping that Joomla! 1.5 would address these issues, but that did not happen. At the same time our user base on Joomla is growing quite nicely. Our download stats now indicate that the php4 version of joomla is the most downloaded tarball. The Joomla Extensions site is a close third on our referrals to after google and drupal. If you are a CiviCRM user on Joomla!, please do take the time to review and rate us on the Joomla extensions site.

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