UK and Europe developer camp and user meetup

2009-04-16 03:53
Written by
We're in the midst of preparing for a UK developer camp and meetup this June - an event where CiviCRM developers, administrator and users from the UK and Europe can get together around CiviCRM - and we'd like you to tell us what you want to see at the camp. The developer camp is aimed at those that want to learn more about CiviCRM from the people involved in it's development. If you are interested in improving your CiviCRM admin skills, learning more about developing with CiviCRM or helping improve the product in any other way, then this camp is for you. We'll also be holding a user meet up and CiviCRM showcase as part of this event. For both the developer camp and the user meet up, we'll follow a similar structure to the events (a meet up and a developer camp) happening in San Francisco at the end of this month. The more interest we have, the more core team members will be able to come, so let us know if you are interested in attending - and what you'd like to see covered - by answering these questions.
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Anonymous (niezweryfikowany)
2009-04-20 - 03:33

The survey asks about the week of the 22nd June,
I mistakenly said I was free that week.
There is a conference in London called Fuel:

Not sure about other users but I am booked in on this one already.......