Blog posts by Anonim

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By AnonimFiled under

This is what worked for me using Control Panel, FTP, File Manager and PHPMyAdmin.

Before you begin make sure you have a working Drupal 4.7 already installed. Have the name of the database, database user and password handy as well as the name of your mysql host. If you can’t find the name of your mysql host anywhere on your host’s site then your mysql host is probably localhost. Save yourself the aggravation and get all these things written down beside you before you even start installing CiviCRM.

1. Use FTP to upload the zip/tar CiviCRM directly into the drupal/modules folder.

2. Go to your Control Panel or whatever method you use to create new databases and create a new database called civicrm. You will already have a database user name and password from your Drupal installation. Go to your list of database users and add a user to the new civicrm database you just created. Make sure to give the user full privileges.

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