Extensions Directory

Extensions are installable packages which give CiviCRM new functionality, and this directory provides a centralized list of extensions which the CiviCRM community has created. This listing displays CiviCRM extensions that work on all Content Management Systems (CMS).

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Platform integrations

As well as extensions that install within CiviCRM and work on all CMSs listed below, you can browse directories of integrations that are made specifically for Backdrop, Drupal, Joomla and WordPress.

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When using the quicksearch, also search secondary emails.
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The ID-Tracker aims to solve two problems: add and track all IDs for any contact AND make sure they don't get lost during contact merges.
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Allows creation of a scheduled job to notify administrators of failed payments
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This extension facilitates the activation of CiviCRM triggers configured during the creation of a zap on zapier.com.

The application that offers CiviCRM as an app on Zapier is available at https://github.com/fuzionnz/civicrm-zapier.
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Provide a couple of tools to display a public counter based on the number of contacts in a group.
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When a new contribution recur is created by a contribution page store the contribution page ID also on the contribution recur entity.
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This is an extension used to run unit tests. You wouldn't use it on a live site.
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Implements the shariff (https://github.com/heiseonline/shariff) buttons in the social network template. This allows admins to select from a variety of social network and styles, to be displayed instead of the default buttons from core. This extension is complaint with the GDPR.
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