CiviCRM is open source software and is freely available to use, implement for others, modify and extend. And while that means that anyone can do these things, only those carrying the CiviCRM badge have demonstrated both expertise and a commitment to ensuring the project continues for everyone. They are the standouts, representing the best of CiviCRM and the best of our community.
Active Contributors
Contributors represent organizations that have made significant and sustained contributions to CiviCRM via bug fixes, coding new features, managing events, promoting CiviCRM, providing support on Stack Exchange, etc.. Simply put, they have put in their time and sweat equity to make CiviCRM better and to help drive the overall project. Contributors operate within CiviCRM's Team & Working Group structure.
Supporting CiviCRM as an Active Contributor is a great way to get invovled in and support the project. Like all open source projects, contributors are the life blood of CiviCRM. Learn more about becoming a contributor and supporting CiviCRM.

CiviCRM Partners
CiviCRM Partners are providers that have, first and foremost, demonstrated expertise in CiviCRM, and that make annual financial donations to CiviCRM in order to help sustain the project. While their financial support helps keep the CiviCRM project alive and vibrant, their expertise at implementing, customizing and supporting CiviCRM ensures that it continues to grow and thrive for years to come.
CiviCRM Partners help fund a portion of the Core Team's budget, and are instrumental in sustaining and directing CiviCRM. CiviCRM Partners benefit from increased community recognition and promotion. Learn more about partnering with CiviCRM.

What's with the 'sustaining' label?
We're glad you noticed! Those supporters that have the Sustaining label on any of their badges have earned special recognition. They have consistently supported CiviCRM without interruption for greater than 5 years, be it through financial support or as an active contributor. They are, in essence, the standouts among the standouts!
Have a concern?
Note: if for any reason you work with someone that we promote on this website or in other CiviCRM channels that you do not think is a stand out, or have any other concerns about a partner, contributor, ec. listed herein, please email We keep all such correspondence in confidence. This helps us ensure the quality of those we recommend, and helps CiviCRM users to get the best possible service.