More CiviCRM BoF sessions (Schools and Political Campaigns) at DrupalCon SF

2010-04-19 19:23
Written by
lobo - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines
We had a great day at DrupalCon SF 2010 today, especially in our BoF sessions :) To keep the momentum going, we are planning to have a few more BoF sessions:
  • Canvassing and GOTV (Get Out The Vote) functionality in CiviCRM. We'd like to extend the current CiviEngage module and incorporate the work done by Will B on Voter Canvassing. We'd also like to incorporate some of the ideas floating around with regard to CiviPetition and build campaign functionality in CiviCRM. This BoF will be scheduled for Tuesday afternoon, 3:00 pm. I'll update the blog post with room details soon.
  • CiviSchool module for K-12. We've built and deployed a school module to manage a K-8 school interaction with staff / parents / students. We'd like to extend this module, deploy it in more schools and integrate it with open source and commercial SIS packages (Student Information Systems). We'd like to use this BoF to explore how more folks can be involved in this project. This BoF will be scheduled for Wednesday morning, 9:30 am.
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Anonymous (not verified)
2010-04-20 - 14:43

What does "BoF" mean?

It stands for "Birds of a Feather", as in the proverb "Birds of a Feather Flock Together". I've never been to one, but my understanding is that it's a relatively informal session where people with a common interest get together without a pre-planned agenda. It seems like an exciting way for collaborative projects to start.

See the wikipedia page.