CiviCRM in Japanese ...

2007-10-17 14:33
Written by
lobo - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines
Periodically we hear things on the blogosphere or on our forums that just blow us away :) This week the honor goes to a forum post detailing about how CiviCRM is being used in a Japanese government agency. The forum post is here. Some of the amazing things that japancoder and his crew did include:
  • The system handles 4.5 million records and a staff of 20,000. Am curious about their hardware setup and how they get around some scalability issues
  • Writing a template layer wrapper to switch languages dynamically
  • Extending CiviCRM to handle the "multiple name" issue in japan. This is also an issue in some other languages and some support in core for this would be great
  • Worked around the permissioning issues in Joomla
  • Translated and customized the documentation to Japanese and Simplified Chinese.
We are quite excited and charged to see such a large deployment of CiviCRM in a double byte language. We hope to work with japancoder and his team to integrate some of the changes they have made in our 2.0 release.