Tracking contributions and event registrations for campaigns and appeals

2009-05-16 22:15
Written by
lobo - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines
One of the common needs of a contribution or event registration system is to track what campaign that transaction is destined from and what link originated the transaction. This allows organizations to calculate what links / web sites / advertising / mailings are most effective and use that information to influence their current or future campaigns. Some organizations (e.g. wikimedia foundation) use a three level tracking scheme: Campaign, Appeal and Fund, while other organizations might choose to use only one tracking field. This issue came up at the San Francisco developer camp. There is no built-in support for this in CiviContribute or CiviEvent. However we can accomplish something very similar using a combination of custom fields, populating fields via a GET url and a civicrm buildForm hook. We've made some changes to v2.2.4 to make it easier. Here is the recipe for tracking either a contribution or event registration page.
  1. Create a custom group called "Contribution Tracker" which extends Contribution. Within that group create three custom fields, one each for Campaign, Appeal and Fund. In my test setup i created these as searchable text fields with a length of 64 characters. Lets assume these custom fields have ids of 4, 5 and 6.
  2. Add these three fields to a Profile which is included on that contribution page. let assume the contribution page has an id of 1
  3. In a drupal module (lets call it civitracker) create the following hook
    function civitracker_civicrm_buildForm( $formName, &$form ) {
        // enable tracking feature
        if ( ( $formName == 'CRM_Contribute_Form_Contribution_Main' ||
               $formName == 'CRM_Contribute_Form_Contribution_Confirm' ||
               $formName == 'CRM_Contribute_Form_Contribution_ThankYou' ) &&
             $form->getVar( '_id' ) == 1 ) { // use  CONTRIBUTION PAGE ID here
            // use the custom field ID and custom field label here
            $trackingFields = array( 'custom_4' => 'Campaign',
                                                        'custom_5' => 'Appeal',
                                                        'custom_6' => 'Fund' );
            $form->assign( 'trackingFields', $trackingFields );
  4. Make sure your civitracker module is enabled
In the links that you add to your blog post or website, should pass in the values of the above three custom fields as GET parameters. Thus a sample URL would look like: CiviReport will ship a few reports that will analyze contributions based on Campaign, Appeal and Fund (these are being built for the Wikimedia Foundation). You can read more detailed specifications of the reports on the wiki. Some of the above changes are in v2.2.4. The issues that were filed (and fixed) to get the above working include: Allow admins to track where contributions / event registrations are coming from via tracking codes Allow contribution and event fields to set custom values via the URL


Hooks for CiviContribute = Great!

Another great hook would be to enable rolling contributions that call a custom function/url at the specified intervals as specified in the setup of the contribution.

We have developed a Joomla! component to integrate with the payment gateway of Westpac, one of the major Australian banks, which records a CiviCRM Contribution upon success. The donation is a recurring contribution for a specified monthly amount, so it would be great if you could set up CiviContribute with a recurring contribution that would call a specified function/url at the given time through a cron job (with a token for the contribution id and contributor id that the receiving function could then use to talk with Civi through the API).


It basically records a new contribution and associates it with a recurring contribution based on information sent in by the payment processor


Anonymous (not verified)
2009-06-30 - 11:51

To make it work for more than contribution page change:

$form->getVar( '_id' ) == 1 ) {


$form->getVar( '_id' ) >= 1 ) {