2009-08-07 16:02
I just uploaded the first version of the Perl client module for the CiviCRM REST API. You can download it from CPAN here. This means you can now create, edit, delete, and retrieve (most of) your CiviCRM data from Perl scripts and programs. I'm using it to provide integration between the Perl CMS WebGUI and CiviCRM. But you can use it for many different things; it's very general purpose. It currently only works with API methods that conform to the new conventions outlined here. Hopefully soon that will be all of them, but I've had to focus on other things for awhile so I haven't been able to drive that project. If anyone else wants to get involved in that effort, let me know in the comments!
Let me know if you find this module useful or if you try to use it and run into problems.
I'm hoping to release a Ruby gem soon that offers similar functionality for Ruby scripts. Stay tuned!