CiviCamp: Day 1

2008-10-13 23:41
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CiviCamp day1 started with good number of participants with a total count of 14. We started with introduction and complaints about civicrm. Most of the complaints were about APIs, upgrades and support of previous versions. Discussions on APIs are scheduled for day2. Regarding upgrades it looked that older version (1.9 or below) generally have problems with upgrades since it requires some technical expertise. Walt was working towards developing a tool which could tell in advance if there are potential problems with the db which could make the upgrade fail. With this interesting idea, the group figured out a way to tell in advance whether the data fulfill all the foreign key constraints required by schema, so that user don't have to attempt the upgrade multiple times. Dan and group, was working on jQuery and UI improvements. There were a few suggestions on improvements to the general CiviCRM UI, for example the bad user experience regarding tables that overflow the width provided by the current theme. The group solved it by adding a button that toggles the table's state between being cut off by the theme's width and covering the right side of the theme. The qualifying work to push-in jQuery in place of dojo is still in progress. Tony and group came out /w few suggestions on events like - how to enhance emails sent to events' participants so that they reflect the given participant's status changes better and make the messages used during event-singup customizable. A quite a long discussion on "long term platform support" ended up with Matt and Mark ready to coordinate either the effort of maintaining 2.0 or back-porting 2.1 to Drupal 5. And we learned to pay more attention to discriminating between simply fixing issues in the development version and fixing them for the next release of the currently-stable version. The group working on civimember roles made progress w.r.t bug fixes. There was also some discussions/work on linking group to roles. Work towards views2 made contacts, emails and contributions work with this module, with next goal of making it automated/easy to configure for end users using xml files and ability to work with complex queries.
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Ping me if you want me to help you, got a few years of experience with jquery.

Oh and btw, I'd love having jquery instead of dojo.
