CiviCRM training down under (AU/NZ) ...

2008-03-06 23:17
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A few folks from the core CiviCRM team (dave greenberg, kurund jalmi, michal mach, yashodha chaku and lobo) are having a CiviCRM team meeting in Nelson, NZ. Our current dates are for the meetup to happen between Apr 23rd to May 4th. We could potentially do a developer and/or end user training on the weekends apr 26/27 or may 3/4. Locations could be auckland/wellington/christchurch or if a lot of interest in AU, sydney/melbourne is a possibility. Please let me know (lobo at yahoo dot com) if you are interested. Note that this is a paid event (sorry, we need to cover expenses). However, we might be willing to offer scholarships based on the time honored barter principle :) If you can host the meeting at your workplace etc that would be great and much appreciated :) Update: I just heard that there is Drupal Asia Pacific Conference happening from May 18th - May 22nd in Sydney. If we get enough interest we could do a training in Sydney immediately after APC and also have a couple of sessions / gatherings at APC.
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Hi Lobo,

This is Mike from Nine Lanterns in Shanghai, we spoke on IRC about some of the CiviCRM sites we are working on.

Our head office is in Melbourne and we may be interested in a training weekend there if we can round up some other interest. I know there are quite a few Melbourne Drupal devs around.

We can supply a boardroom with projector that can seat 6 comfortably or 10 at a squeeze, and we would probably have a couple of us from the Shanghai office join in over Skype + Gotomeeting.

Our main interest would be developer training, including getting some feedback on our Sales process automation stuff we are doing with Workflow-NG that should be ready to demo by then.

Let me know ballpark pricing per head / or per day (mhall !AT! and I will see if I can round up some other Melbourne attendees.

I'll bounce this to Drupal Melbourne on as well.



Hi Lobo and Mike,
I would like to second the interest for a Melbourne session. I am part of the webteam for Camp Cooinda is a non-profit org using CiviCRM + Drupal. Being a volunteer org, the Civi/Drupal mix is great, but our skills are only basic when it comes to Civi.

A training session would be fantastic and very timely. Please let me know how things go.

Geoff Adams

webmaster !AT!

Hi Lobo - Pete here from Fuzion. Are implementers/interfacers welcome (yes i know i might not get all of it but ....) - certainly interested (and willing to do some organisational side for a NZ esp wellington hook up if that helps mitigate some costs. Also have people in Aus I would push to attend if I can get the Aus project off the ground too.

Hey pete:

yeah, i think someone with your skills and who's played with civicrm a fair amount would be a good fit. I think you get a lot to the table from a "this works, this is slow and can be improved etc", and we can do some pretty rapid prototyping and making major/minor changes as needed :)

If we get enough interest, we'll potentially do one in AU and one in NZ


Cross posting my expression of interest in a civiCRM session in either Melbourne or Sydney. If it could integrate into the Drupal APC dates that would be great! Otherwise we are flexible with what you can arrange. Areas of our interest range from developer to end user with a party of between 2-4 (all newbies!).

...and since melbourne is full up, i guess the melbourne developers can have a break and the sydney division can spend time asking about sydney based ones.

We're less keen for training per se than making sure that there is minimal duplication of effort in civicrm development across australian-specific needs. (we're trying to code up payment processors for, for example, and have some ideas about improved geocoding of contact addresses.) And I'm sure there are other fascinating things coming out of the developer community too. But skill sharing is great, developer skills are great... let us know how it goes!

Yes, very true. A standard set of help topics for the Australia specific needs would be great. One of my needs it to not only geocode by address, but also get the data into the tourism regions and localities for each State. I haven't started anything yet, but even trying to find out the best way to go to set it all up is a mind boggle :) Also, have to investigate interfacing with AU bank / other gateways etc...