CiviLunch Webinar - Effective Bulk Email with CiviCRM

Create targeted, quality emails with the CiviCRM Bulk Emailer Mosaico - Presented by Greenleaf Advancement

Using CiviCRM for your bulk email (versus another bulk email service) saves valuable time by not having to slosh data between systems. But just as importantly, it puts valuable report data at your fingertips, further enabling a holistic view of your constituents regarding their full level of engagement with your organization. You can ask questions like "which of my top donors unsubscribed from my newsletter?" (which seems like something you might want to know!).

In this new and redesigned webinar, we'll talk about managing your email lists in Civi, creating quality bulk emails with the Mosaico bulk email extension, and utilizing searches and reports to leverage the mailing information provided.

Registration closes at midnight on the day of the webinar and seats are limited, so sign up today.

Go to to register.

CiviLunches are free one hour webinars brought to you by Greenleaf Advancement. Depending on the day they begin at either 12 PM Eastern US, 12 PM Central, or 12 PM Mountain (hence the name CiviLunch).

d’abril 23rd, 2020 from  2:00 PM to  3:00 PM