Blog posts by Detlev

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By Detlev Filed under CiviCamp, Community, Internationalization and Localization, Meetups
120 users and interested people from about 70 organisations gathered on Monday, September 11, 2023 in Leipzig for the CiviCamp organised by Software für Engagierte e.V..
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By Detlev Filed under Form Builder, Community, Internationalization and Localization, Meetups, Sprints
For 33 of the participants at the CiviCamp in Leipzig, it went straight on: for two more days, they worked on the further development of CiviCRM in a sprint in the small town of Zeitz near Leipzig in the "Alte Nudelfabrik". "Software für Engagierte" had proclaimed the topic of "fundraising" as its focus. And so this sprint not only involved developers and CiviCRM implementers - but with Civi admins, power users and experienced fundraisers, a broad spectrum of CiviCRM experience and expertise came together.
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By DetlevFiled under
Join us: Community Council Interest Meeting

Since 2020, the CiviCRM Community Council is elected as an advisory body for the CiviCRM community.

The Community Council meets once a month for a one-hour Jitsi meeting, and discusses upcoming issues, mediates conflicts, discusses recommendations to the project, and keeps in touch with the Core Team.

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By Detlev Filed under CiviCamp

Once a year Software für Engagierte e.V., an association of German CiviCRM users, organizes a national CiviCamp in Germany. This year it took place in Hamburg at November, 18 and was visited by 68 users, developers and interested people from all parts of Germany and even from Austria and Switzerland, with one participant each.

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By Detlev Filed under CiviCamp

CiviCamps are casual, locally-organized one day events bringing together CiviCRM users, experts and those who want to discover what CiviCRM is and what it can do. This year, Software für Engagierte e.V., an association of CiviCRM users, came up with the plan to organize annual CiviCamps in Germany. 43 users, experts and interested organizations attended the first camp that took place November 15th in Halle (Saale).

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By Detlev Filed under CiviCamp

CiviCRM-Anwender, -Implementierer und -Interessierte zusammenbringen: Das ist das Ziel der CiviCamps, die von der CiviCRM-Community auf der ganzen Welt veranstaltet werden.

Das „CiviCamp“ ist eine ganztägige Konferenz mit zwei parallelen Vortragsreihen: Eine Reihe mit Vorträgen für Leute, die sich für CiviCRM interessieren oder es auch bereits selber verwenden. Und eine andere Reihe für Leute, die schon viel über CiviCRM wissen, und jetzt noch mehr lernen möchten. – über die neuesten Entwicklungen und Extensions, und raffinierte Lösungsansätze für alltägliche Probleme.

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By Detlev Filed under CiviDay

Mit so einem großen Andrang haben wir nicht gerechnet: Bei 15 Teilnehmer.innen aus 10 verschiedenen Organisationen mussten wir sogar noch Stühle aus dem Nachbarraum dazuholen!

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By Detlev Filed under Meetups

CiviCRM-Anwender, -Implementierer und -Interessierte zusammenbringen: Seit 2 Jahren veranstaltet Software für Engagierte e.V. mehr oder weniger regelmäßig in verschiedenen deutschen Städten CiviCRM-Treffen, wo in einem Rahmen von ca. 2 Stunden CiviCRM-bezogene Fragen miteinander besprochen werden können.

In Berlin treffen wir uns einigermaßen regelmäßig, immer am letzten Donnerstag eines ungeraden Monats.

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By Detlev Filed under CiviDay

The CiviDay meetup in Berlin was organised by "Software für Engagierte e.V.", a german association of CiviCRM using organisations, who want to join forces in order to improve the localisation. And the event was a pretty good success: 12 participants representing 9 different organisations, most of them new to CiviCRM, showed up.

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