Extensions Directory

Extensions are installable packages which give CiviCRM new functionality, and this directory provides a centralized list of extensions which the CiviCRM community has created. This listing displays CiviCRM extensions that work on all Content Management Systems (CMS).

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Platform integrations

As well as extensions that install within CiviCRM and work on all CMSs listed below, you can browse directories of integrations that are made specifically for Backdrop, Drupal, Joomla and WordPress.

Extended report framework including priceset reports.
Current Usage: 2,839
CiviRules is an extension that allows rules based actions, like automatically adding a contact to a group when he/she contributes more than
Current Usage: 2,554
E-mail API for CiviCRM to send e-mails through the API
Current Usage: 1,891
This extension does nothing by itself but is required by a number of other extensions developed by MJW Consulting.
Current Usage: 1,866
This extension facilitates uploading CSVs via the CiviCRM import interface. Useful for bulk uploading events or campaigns etc.
Current Usage: 1,849
Have you ever wanted to rearrange the contact summary screen? Move the most important information to the top? Remove unnecessary stuff? Create a simplified layout for your volunteers and interns but a more robust layout for your fundraising team? This extension will let you do just that.
Current Usage: 1,834
This implements a simple firewall for CiviCRM that blocks by IP address in various scenarios.
Current Usage: 1,785
This is a payment processor extension for the iATS Payments payment processing service, making use of the web services interface.
Current Usage: 1,735
Allows the admin to create and manage discount codes that can be used on membership and event pages.
Current Usage: 1,687
Tokens for CiviCRM including formatted address block (with country formatting), today's date, userID, phone, membership & relationship token
Current Usage: 1,618
A log viewer for the CiviCRM debug log, showing a summary with links to a detailed view of each log entry.
Current Usage: 1,577
Utility for allowing angular pages to load the backbone profile editor/selector widget. It comes prebuilt with a service for loading backbone and necessary files as well as a directive to turn a standard input into the profile widget.
Current Usage: 1,261
This extension permits a contact to be changed from one type to another.
Current Usage: 1,226
Creates Canadian Tax Receipts with distribution by email or print, detailed reporting, press ready
Current Usage: 1,018
Places recently-viewed items in the Menu bar for quick access.
Current Usage: 950