Presenting.... the API team!

2010-10-05 02:17
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Today is the last day of the Bristol code sprint, which was a great experience! Lots done, climbed the Cheddar Gorge and tasted Kurundś famous lamb.... I will also always remember it for finding out I was part of the API team :-)

On a serious level, it is a good idea to have a team of people that take care of the API's. And taking care I think involves:

  • be present in the API forum, trying to help people, share ideas, discuss suggestions etc
  • maintain a Wiki page devoted to the API's with to do list, wishes for the next release, conventions, tutorials etc.
  • fix reported bugs for the API's that need fixing on a core level
  • standardize the API's to follow the conventions as much as possible

Lobo explained yesterday that we have 3 members at the moment: Xavier, Eileen and me. (Xavier and Eileen, were you aware of this :-)) And we recruited Coleman Watts yesterday, so that makes 4. Do we have more volunteers? What do you think?


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I think Lobo works on the slowest-to-step-backwards volunteer recruiting policy.


Good work on the API stuff so far @ the sprint!

I didn't understand PI, Thought it was about joining the A team.  My son is not going to be as proud as I'd hope to.

