Some new custom searches for your enjoyment.

2012-01-16 21:34
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For anyone who is using pricesets and/or automated recurring contributions with a payment processor, you will probably enjoy the 3 custom searches that you can download here


Custom search "Recurring Billing":  This was designed to help the administrative/financial staff review and reconcile all their automated recurring contributions in one place. It works no matter which payment processor(s) you are using. However, the layout of the columns is designed to match the layout of the ARB report within the system.   The expected workflow is that the staff would run the ARB report at, then run this new custom search in CiviCRM and verify that the total number of subscriptions matches accross each system.    If the total number does not reconcile, then this new custom search can be used to help identify the disconnect.


Custom search "AdvancedPriceSet": This is designed for event organizers who make use of pricesets for various sessions being offered. If an event has a priceset field called "session wanted"  with choices being "session A", "session B", and "session C", then the event organizer can use this new custom serach to create a participant list for each session.   It will also list the name of the person who registered the participant, such as a wife who registered their husband.   Note: This search can only be used against pricesets used within event registrations.


Custom search "AdvancedPriceSetContributions":   Same idea as "AdvancedPriceSet" described above, however this custom search can only be used with pricesets that are tied to CiviContribute pages/contributions.


- Sarah Gladstone



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So, co-incidentally I have spent the day reporting on price-sets also. However, I have been using CiviReport & my focus has been on a report that allows book keeping transactions to be reported INCLUDING price set info.


The other report starts from the line items & allows reporting on related participant records & contribution records. Contribution record information is accurate regardless on what the line item extends but I haven't added in membership info yet (not a big job)