Announcing New Release of CiviMobile 4.1

2019-09-11 07:24
Written by
skornien - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

As the CiviMobile version numbers continue to increment, the user experience of the mobile application improves with exponential growth. Members of NGOs and nonprofits are no longer office bound by a desktop CiviCRM application. What they have instead is a core CiviCRM functionality at their fingertips every time and everywhere. Our new release of CiviMobile 4.1 further refines the app introducing custom field functionality, among other updates.

What Is New

Custom Fields

Developed with focus on varying user needs, CiviMobile will now grant organizations a unique possibility to track relevant information about their constituents beyond standard fields CiviCRM enables by default. Now that CiviMobile supports custom fields, users will view relevant data which are related to the organization’s specific area of interest. Be it someone's language level, awards or high school graduation date, anything else that’s important to specific workflow, team or organization, the user will view the information in the mobile application by simply clicking Additional info button in the contact profile. This makes for an easy and more efficient management of interactions with contacts. To try it out visit CiviMobile demo site.

Further, configuration options are rich enough to support custom fields of different data formats and input field types. The user will select the format of data that best represents relevant information: text, number, note, link etc., whereas supported input field types vary from simple areas in which users can enter text, dropdown boxes to checkboxes and radio buttons.

Security Measures

While entering relevant units of information into the database, the user may now rest assured the data are safe. Agiliway team has seen to it that the data flow incurs no leaks by implementing encryption of personal data on a mobile device. From now on sensitive personal information transferred between the mobile app and server is securely protected. Considering that one can never be extra cautious, features of PIN code, Touch ID, Face ID were added to ensure a secure log-in. Log-in was fixed along the line.

Further Localization

Agiliway team keeps breaking the language barriers by rolling out its international CiviMobile localization project. The mobile app content is already available in 7 languages (English, German, French, Italian, Dutch, Hungarian, Ukrainian) with its global reach ever expanding. In new version of CiviMobile users get the same app experience in two more languages, Hungarian and Ukrainian.

Accordingly, making the most of user feedback, we took another step to further extend the functionality of the CiviMobile app, expand its reach and resolve security issues. Download the updated version from AppStore or Google PlayMarket on your mobile device and let us know what you think by posting your comments or contacting us directly via Let’s work together to improve your user experience.

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Hey this looks great, thanks for sharing.

Can you clarify the licencing of this software. I could not see any reference to it being open source; I had wanted to look at the source and commits, especially in respect of your final para which says the latest versions "resolve[s] security issues".

Being able to inspect the source code is important to building trust in a product/project.
