Have you ever wanted to know how someone discovered your event registration or contribution page? Or have you wanted to give our special links to certain referral partners, board members, or fundraisers to track their efforts? CiviCRM partners Joinery HQ and Korlon have teamed up to release two extensions that help do just that.
Blog posts by Stoob
Let's ring in the New Year by spinning some new hits and timeless classics for the dancefloor at this CiviCRM extension party.
//record scratching sound// Wait, what's an extension, you ask?
It's an add-on so your Civi can do more things in better ways.
For starters, over 200 Drupal 8 sites already run CiviCRM! This post is based on my own research and conversations with those involved, and is intended to be informative and encouraging. As you may know, CiviCRM works with no less than four CMS at the moment, including three versions of Drupal, two 'officially'. Understandably with Drupal 7 end-of-support scheduled for Nov 2021, there has been recent disc
Hello world, I would like to introduce the idea of of CiviCRM "Community Fridays". Let's coalesce our ongoing community efforts improving Civi around a certain day of the week: every Friday.
I’d like to pose a question to users of CiviCRM that is not particularly technical. It’s more to do with using the existing features of Civi in the most effective and efficient way to do 2 very important things...cultivate Major Donors and apply for Grants.
McKenzie River Gathering (MRG) Foundation is the leading funder of Oregon's social justice movements, driven by an unwavering belief in the power of collective action to change the world. Robust management of our various constituencies is essential for meeting our goals.
CiviCRM has had an array of powerful import tools for as long as I can remember but the availble options have been limited. Contacts, Contributions, Participants, Memberships and Activities...sure....but what about the Events themselves? Sorry. What about Grants? Nope.
"Sort Name" is used by CiviCRM for tabular search results.
CiviTeacher organizes clear and concise videos into a portable and searchable training library.
CiviTeacher.com has just arrived!