CiviLunch Webinar - Tracking Donor Pledges and Payments

Using CiviCRM to track, report, and collect pledge payments made by donors over time

If you are running a capital campaign, you will likely be asking constituents to make pledges that will be fulfilled over time. CiviCRM has a robust ability to track those pledges and the payments made agaisnt them, including features such as online payments and automatic reminders. If you are going to be running a campaign soon, or are even thinking about it, you shouldn't miss this session.

Go to to register.

CiviLunches are free one-hour webinars brought to you by Greenleaf Advancement.  These sessions are held at 12 noon EASTERN U.S. time (EDT or EST depending on time of year). To see what time that is for your time zone, you can use the handy Time Zone Converter.

junio 27th, 2018 from 12:00 PM to  1:00 PM