Blog posts by andie

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By andie Filed under Development Tools, Tips, Training

Last year at #17NTC, I met a consultant who reminded me of the dreaded phone call, “Hey, a colleague referred me to you and I want to get a quote for moving to CiviCRM.” Those phone calls are often challenging, as the client hasn’t done much in the way of organizing their needs and helping us help them.

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By andie Filed under Members, Community

As part of the release notes for each new version, I compile a list of the people who have contributed code or reviewed changes that go into the release.  As you might expect, many of the familiar names from the CiviCRM partners list are there.

However, a sizable number of nonprofits, big and small, write and edit significant amounts of code, adding features and resolving bugs.  Now that CiviCRM 5.0 has been released, I wanted to take the time to thank all of the nonprofit organizations who have contributed code to the 4.7 series:

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By andie Filed under Guppies, Architecture
You may have read the recent announcement of CiviCRM 5.0 and its revolutionary new method of numbering CiviCRM releases.   Meanwhile, those who prefer greater stability can use the Long-Term Support (LTS) releases of CiviCRM.  LTS users won't be left behind in the version numbering progress, however.  
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By andie Filed under Development Tools, CiviContribute, CiviReport, Extensions, Statistics

Before I started working as a CiviCRM consultant, I was a CiviCRM user at a small nonprofit. We got a large chunk of our revenue through grassroots donations, but we never had an opportunity to see how we compared to other organizations like ours.

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By andie Filed under Training

AGH Strategies will be presenting a two-day CiviCRM User and Administrator Training in Washington, DC, and this week you can save $100 off the training fee. Register online with the code MARDIGRAS to save $100 through March 4.

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By andie Filed under Community, Marketing and Promotion, Training

[CiviCareers logo]With over ten thousand organizations using CiviCRM worldwide, you might think it would be easy to find qualified, experienced people to hire for your job opportunities.  However, it can sometimes be a challenge for job seekers to know if their CiviCRM skills will be of use.

CiviCareers aims to change that.  The site brings together jobs at organizations worldwide who use CiviCRM to track and engage their supporters.  Jobs in fundraising, organizing, event planning, and more—executive and administrative—are available to browse.  Best of all, posting is free and easy.

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By andie Filed under Community, Training

[logo] CiviCRM User Summit - September 22-23, 2016 - Washington, DC This year seems to have flown by, and it's time to solicit CiviCRM User Summit sessions. If you use CiviCRM at your organization and have a story to tell—how you use a feature, what interesting customization you have, or how you'd like to see CiviCRM improve—you should submit a session. All accepted session leaders from nonprofits attend the conference for free.

The CiviCRM User Summit is in Washington, DC, September 22 and 23. Learn more and register today! (We'll certainly refund you if you submit a selected session.)

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By andie Filed under CiviMail, Extensions, Tips

Note: this post was edited August 17, 2017, to include pricing changes on Mailjet and Sparkpost.

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By andie Filed under CiviContribute, Extensions, Statistics

This is the final week for the Individual Donor Benchmark Survey, a tool to help you see how your grassroots fundraising compares to other small nonprofits across the United States.  This is the second year that AGH Strategies has supported the survey by building a CiviCRM extension for easy data collection, so you can complete the survey this af

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By andie Filed under CiviContribute, Extensions, Statistics

If you're like most leaders of small nonprofits, you want to know where your fundraising stands as compared to other organizations your size. CiviCRM stores a wealth of data, but it might be time-consuming to search for it all. Even then, how will you know you're comparing data apples-to-apples with the rest of the sector?

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