Blog posts by andyburns

Restez à l'affut des dernières nouvelles de CiviCRM avec les billets de blogue de développeurs et d'utilisateurs de partout dans le monde.
By andyburns Filed under Community, Marketing and Promotion

There’s many ways the CiviCRM project continuously gets feedback: from clients working with CiviCRM partners, people posting GitLab issues, or conversations in the Mattermost chat. 

But right now, we’d like to step back and revisit with a more holistic angle of where end user organizations are at via a short 5-10 minute survey.

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By andyburnsFiled under

As part of a wider range of improvements funded by the Libertarian Party, the call next dashlet (CND) is now public. The CND extension was created to get volunteers calling people immediately, with little to no training. It doesn't require assigning the call to anyone either. For volunteer organizations, a constant challenge is assigned the 'right' number of calls to a volunteer. It is hard to know.

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