Blog posts by annaleevk

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By annaleevk Filed under Case studies and user stories, CiviMember

Okay, I'm double-posting today in case you don't find this buried in the forum.  My forum posting contains all of the details regarding a custom hack written for a client to automate 7 renewal email reminders based on expire date.


I do hope you find this useful.,6176.msg98034.html#msg98034


- Annalee

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By annaleevk Filed under Case studies and user stories

Hey gang sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you but we've been busy slogging through a few outstanding issues.  For those of you who are currently in the throes of your data conversion here are a few quick words of advice. 1. Set up a local site for your data conversion so you don't run into any restrictions on how many records you can import at one time on your server, otherwise, you will spend a lot of time creating many, many small text files.

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By annaleevk Filed under Case studies and user stories, CiviEvent, CiviMail, CiviMember, CiviReport, Drupal 7

I recently completed a conversion of about 8 years of history from a 5 year old Blackbaud Kintera site to a Drupal CiviCRM solution. Confused yet? Don't worry, all we be revealed in time. As a way of giving back, I am planning to share my experiences good and bad, what worked, what did not, what I learned and what I will and won't do next time.

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By annaleevkFiled under

Last week, Hershel Robinson, created a Drupal module for my client (called CiviCopyAddr) to handle the copying of the primary address into the Billing Address fields via a toggled checkbox.  It's located at .  We use as the payment processor.  To make it work:

1. Copy the files from the github into a directory call CiviCopyAddr and copy that directory into sites/all/modules and enable the module in Drupal.

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