Blog posts by antrik

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By antrik Filed under Internationalization and Localization

With CiviCRM 4.5 around the corner, it's time to talk about one of the great new features in this release: improved handling of non-English names and greetings!

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By antrik Filed under CiviContribute

Christmas is long over, yet we have a wish: we want to introduce a new field to `civicrm_contribution`, (tentatively) called `sequence_number`. This will give contributions records belonging to a recurring contribution some self-awareness, by recording which installment in the series each contribution record represents.

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By antrik Filed under Internationalization and Localization

CiviCRM comes with a convenient mechanism for handling postal greetings. However, it turns out this mechanism in its current form doesn't adequately cover greeting conventions in many non-English-speaking parts of the world. We are working on a couple of enhancements in CiviCRM to improve this situation.

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