Blog posts by bdaniels

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By bdanielsFiled under

Learn how to seamlessly integrate your CiviCRM data into your Drupal site for improved customization. We'll cover the basics, like why CiviCRM matters, and show hands-on examples like setting up an online member directory and displaying top donors.

Here's what you can expect:

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By bdaniels Filed under Architecture, Case studies and user stories, Drupal 8+

Skvare is the maintainer of International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA)’s Drupal 8 / CiviCRM website. IMBA is a network of local chapters, that provides resources to find local trails as well as information on building and protecting trails. The website utilizes CiviCRM integrated with Drupal 8 to allow local chapters to see membership reports, send emails to their members, and much much more. 

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By bdaniels Filed under Extensions

It’s easy for CiviCRM users to get confused about where to find settings in the CiviCRM menu because the links may be nested within other menu items. This can lead them to look at multiple menu items to find the appropriate setting which can be frustrating to new users not familiar with the system. Enter the Quick Search CiviCRM Menu extension.

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By bdaniels Filed under Development Tools, Partners, CiviMail
CRMs are must-have for any organization, large or small. There is some debate over what the “C” in CRM stands for - client, constituent, customer, etc., but at a very base level it manages information about your contacts. CiviCRM is jam-packed with features that can benefit your organization. In this article series, we will highlight just 6 ways CiviCRM can be used. In part one of this series, we will explore its CRM, email marketing, and access control features.
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By bdaniels Filed under Development Tools, Drupal 7, Extensions

CiviCRM Entity Reference Field is a submodule of the CiviCRM Entity project. One of the many advantages of installing the CiviCRM Entity module is the ability to use Drupal’s Entity Reference module to reference CiviCRM data from nodes, terms, or other entity types. Many people are using the Inline Entity Form module, which provides field widgets that allow you to create, edit, or delete a referenced entity from the parent form.

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By bdaniels Filed under Development Tools, CiviEvent, Drupal 7, Extensions

As of CiviCRM Entity 2.0-beta4 the sub module called CiviCRM Entity Price Set Field provides a Drupal field type for the Event entity type.  In this article we’ll review the features of this submodule and discuss how to configure and customize it to fit your needs.


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By bdaniels Filed under Development Tools, CiviEvent, Drupal 7, Extensions

CiviCRM Entity is a contributed module for tightly integrating and extending CiviCRM with Drupal. This module exposes CiviCRM API entities as proper Drupal entity types. This is HUGE as it allows you to make CiviCRM data available within your favorite Drupal tools such as Rules, Views, and EntityReference. I’d like to present another advantage of Drupal entity types, and that is Drupal fields.

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